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09/09/2004 18:18 #22585

Out of the Loop
ok so here I am again posting about Buffalos fave landlord Peter Singer. I just saw ajay's posting about his EBAY business. I can't believe the extent of this. Years ago I was shocked about the extent of his rental crimes but now online too? I wish I would have been so much more vocal at the time. It may have prevented more people from getting scammed. There is an article about him in the Buffalo News and the DA is investigating him? Are you kidding me?! And he thinks he is in the right. Forgive me but usualy you have to do something sketchy to have the DA open an investigation against you. I just can't get over this. Seriously EPeeps we should unite and do something. Even though I am in NYC now I am so in to help out. I even have a buffalo based attorney that would do some pro-bono if need be.

09/09/2004 18:08 #22584

Rain Rain Rain
So it poured in NYC yesterday leading me to have a 3 hour commute to no where. Included in this commute was a journey through Jersey City Street water up to my knees. Ew. When I envisoned moving here I thought I would be more Sex in the City than Swamp in the City. Needless to say I never made it into work.

So whats up with Peter "I am a theif who steals from young poor kids" Singer? He has been sued a million times in the Buffalo Court system. Its public record. When I called to file suit against him w my old roommate the woman on the phone had a whole discussion with me about him and how basically he never paid but she could see he had been sued for the same thing a million times. Same thing when I filed against him w the BBB. I was one of many who filed for a mediation- which again he never responded to. So he calls people trash? Hmm, not showing up for a court date and lying seems pretty trashy to me. And thems is just the facts.

All I can say is the more you get the word out the less he will get away with this.

My mother is nuts (lilho, Paul, Terry, Matt, Mike and pretty much anyone else who knows Momma ho can verify this). When she heard about the rain she freaked and suggested I move to AZ. Hmmm, I am going to have to say no to that. She just kept going on and on.

Anyone looking for some new good music should check out Rilo Kyle. She was the female voice in Postal Service (for those of you who don't know Postal Service rocks!!).

08/31/2004 12:30 #22583

people cut down and remove toes to make shoes fit better. It was in the NYT this morning. Thats cra-gee!!

On a side note: The RNC sucks the big one! Its making getting around a pain in the ass. Between the protesters and the delegates this city is under police lock down which makes my commute a pleasant 1 1/2 hours in 90% humidity.

08/27/2004 14:53 #22582

The Prosters
look like they are having a lot of fun. Trust me you have to be here to experience it. I blame the RNC as well. I just don't want any extra 50,000 people here for any reason. If they feel the need to protest, fine just go home and do it. If it was only NYC protesters then Id be fine with it. Its the protesters who come here and treat this like a vacation, trash the city, cause havock then leave. Dont think they litter? I saw it with my own eyes yesterday. I like living here, I just don't like the outsiders who come here and cause problems for everyone.

08/27/2004 12:46 #22581

So as part of my high profile job I had to pack up and office and ship it off to Chicago. Well in the move the boxes got banged up, as boxes do in the shipping process. Not even for investment bankers do boxes stay nice and white and pristine. So I just got reamed for the packing/boxes being all jacked up when they got to Chicago. I was just like ok? What am I suppossed to do about this. When you send things via FedEx you know they are tossing the box around so you pack the inside well. Are you going to reuse the packing? Does it affect your life in an adverse way because the packing is dirty and banged up? Probably not, but you should ream someone out anyways. According to recent studies punishing someone does make you feel better.

On a lighter note the RNC is ruining my city. The protesters have arrived like a swarm of locus. I am all about not having GW as the pres anymore but don't come to my city to voice your opnion. People don't seem to understand this is an actual place to live and I have to conduct day to day activities. Their days of fun frolick and protest equal 2 hour commutes to work and huge headaches. I don't go to their cities and fuck w them so don't come to mine and f with me!