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Carolinian's Journal

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06/26/2006 03:00 #21059

Category: buffalo life
Apparently somone forgot to tell me that in Buffalo when it rains really hard, the roads turn into rivers.

Elmwood was pretty bad. Since my escape route back home was cut off and I was on the north section of Elmwood, I thought that I'd fare better on Sheridan. Since Sheridan's a big, heavily used road I thought that its storm drains would be more effective.

Apparently not.


Yes, those are waves. Lucky for me the moon wasn't out, otherwise I'd never get back home.


It's a bird, it's a SUV, it's a jetski, it''s...nope, it's just a SUV.


When roads become rivers, sidewalks become roads. I was not proud of what I did and the grass that I and everyone else in Buffalo ruined. But sometimes ya gotta do what'cha gotta do.


mrmike - 06/27/06 09:20
It was fun to play in. Luckily the sidewalks on Delaware were vehicle free
theecarey - 06/26/06 10:38
btw, when it rains really hard...

hmph! I missed this rain. Where was I???

Nice pics.. surfs up!

06/25/2006 14:12 #21058

Making the best of it
Category: entertainment
Last night, I was really bored. I don't know anyone in this town, so hanging out with friends wasn't an option. There were no movies playing that I wanted to see save Da Vinci Code, and I'm trying to finish the book before I go see the movie. And I looked over a listing of the day's music acts, and nothing looked very interesting; of course, I don't really know the music scene is like up here and which bands are any good, so I usually look at genre and make my best guess.

By some miracle, I had overlooked English Beat's free concert at Gateway Park (apparently Buffalo has more than just one free concert at Lafeyette Square). After 45 minutes of trying to find the place (and missing the previous band(s), I got to see most of English Beat's main act, which was pretty good and really energetic. I didn't see no rude boys, but quite a few people at the front of the stage were skanking.

Overall, I think I'm proud of myself for not having given into the temptation to either see a lame movie I didn't really want to see or to spend the entire night blasting the ficticious residents of San Andreas.

06/21/2006 20:52 #21057

The verdict is in
Category: food
I had originally dismissed my Foreman grill-owning friends as members of a kookie brand-worshipping cult. But after 4 months of living up here with a harried work schedule and having to make a variety of quick meals, I have come to the conclusion that these devices are in fact "The Bachelor's Swiss Army Knife".
theecarey - 06/21/06 21:34
haha! I am a member as well-- inducted this past Christmas day, after my step dad gave me one of these grills.

Unwrapping the package, I thought with confusion, "what a (kookie, odd, terribly not carey-like) gift"

Then one day I decided to try it. Now I understand why everyone thinks they are fabulous. After 'grilling' my first steak on it, (then anything else I could find) I told everyone about the Foreman.

They are like, "yeh, we know.. "

so yeh, welcome to the club :)

06/20/2006 02:29 #21055

V Is For Victory!
Category: hockey


I raise my tall glass of freshly-brewed southern sweet tea to my victorious home team. People said you couldn't do it and that you'd let your "redneck" fanbase down, and you responded to those people not with equally harsh words but rather superior sportsmanship while your fans responded, eventually, with equally serious enthusiasm. You've rekindled my belief in the good guy who doesn't stoop to the negative levels of his adversaries winning in the end. You have truly lived up to your motto of the season: Whatever It Takes.

My only regret is that I'm 600+ miles away and unable to attend the celebrations.
vincent - 06/20/06 13:10
Congrats, I don't have any kind of grudge against the HARTFORD WHALERS!!!!

No seriously I sat with a couple up at Casino Niagara last night from Carolina. They had the accent and all but not the usual friendly type as my Ex carries herself.

I just thought it was cool that I sat with a couple from NC in Canada.
jason - 06/20/06 12:12

06/20/2006 20:08 #21056

Q & A

1. How did you find out about/why did you become of estrip?

I forget, but it might have been Artvoice's ill-fated Buffalo Geeks movement. Several of the posters to the mailing list had journals here, and "one link lead to another" in typical Internet fashion.

2. How "out" are you about having a publicly accessible online journal. Do your friends know? Does your family know? Do your co-workers know? Does your boss know? Do you use your real name? Do you use your real photo?

No one knows. I've kind of made my presence on this site part of "life up here". I keep it separate from another blog detailing my life back home/down there.

3. How many epeeps have you met real life?

0, unfortunately. I've only been living here a short while and the opportunity hasn't presented itself.

4. How has estrip changed the way that you meet people, on and/or off line?

It's probably pushed my efforts at socialization more towards one type of people/set of venues than another.

5. How has estrip affected you love life?

It hasn't. I've generally kept my love life separate from my postings.

6. How many of your friends have joined estrip because of your influence?

When I have friends up here, I'll let you know.

7. Are you from Buffalo/do you live in Buffalo?

I'm not originally from Buffalo. I moved here several months ago from North Carolina. Though my parents met here in the 60's, so in some broad way I do have a few Buffalo roots.

1. What type of hardware or software purchases have you made as a result of using estrip?

None, though (e:strip) has inspired me to write software to make my (e:strip)/Buffalo experience more enjoyable and give me a creative outlet that I really don't have at work.

2. Have you used the mobile version of estrip? Why or why not?

I don't have cell internet service.

1. In what way has estrip changed your Internet surfings habits? Describe the amount of time you spend on estrip, when you use it and about how long?

(e:strip) has saved me from becoming a luddite who has almost nothing to do with computers in his spare time. The people on the site make computers tolerable enough for me to forget that I program them for nine hours a day.

1a. How many journals do you usually read per day?

3-8, depending on how spicy they are.

2. In what ways has estrip changed the way you perceive your local community?

Since moving here, I haven't had a lot of chances to interact with the Buffalo community, so (e:strip) is sort of like a surrogate.

3. How has journaling about your life affected the way you spend your free time?

I don't journal every day, but the one or two times a week I journal, I spend a lot of time (hour+) thinking about what I'm going to write.

4. Has estrip changed your living situation in any way?

Not being very familiar with the town, it's helped to point me out towards things worth doing.

5. Do you find that you mediate/document more of your experiences now that you share them with others?

I've always journaled a small fraction of my experiences in any blog I write.

6. Has publishing on estrip affected the way that write?

Did you mean to say "Has publishing on (e:strip) had any measurable effect on your writing?"

7. Do you have other online journals? If so, with what service and has estrip affected your usage of that journal?

Just the standard home-rolled wordpress kind. It's nice, though, having some other person administer the blogging system for a change.

8. Have you ever gotten in trouble for using estrip at work?

No, and I don't intend to. I try to keep (e:strip) something I do off the clock. I also try to put nothing in my entries that could be conveniantly Google'd by my employers and directly linked back to me and get me in trouble. Not that I have any intention of posting anything confidential or secretive, but I want to be able to talk about the occasional rough day at work in a generalized kind of way (e.g "My boss was really grumpy", etc) without making more trouble for myself than I have to. That's the main reason why I've still declined to replace the default face with a more meaningful picture.

9. If you have stopped using estrip, why

Haven't stopped yet.
metalpeter - 06/20/06 20:57
Just Have a possible suggestion on #8. Don't put up a picture of your self but put up a small picture of something you find on line that you like. Maybe of the the Huricanes kissing the cup. Or maybe just some symbol you like. There are a few peeps who have done that in the past and not had a picture of them selves up. I completely understand that not wanting work to know thing. Was stayed annomus for a long time.