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Boxerboi's Journal

My Podcast Link

03/19/2005 13:33 #20929

Happy Birthday Matthew!

03/14/2005 22:30 #20928

The iPod Story
The first time I bought an iPod, I got the 20 gig model and an armband to go with it. The original plan was that I would be able to run with it. I get it home, load the songs onto it, throw it in the arm band and put the arm band on my arm. It was really awkward to use the controls to switch songs, and I kept wanting to look at the screen when I was moving. I wound up taking it back less than three hours later.

Jeff gets back from his trip and has an iPod Shuffle waiting for me :oD So far so good. Its a lot lighter and fits on my arm better. Bonus was that I didn't know it held files until I read the manual.

balls out fun :oP

03/12/2005 19:55 #20927

(e:ajay) geocaching looks like crazy fun!

After eating dinner and coming back up here and reading my naked journal entry, I feel like I should redirect the question to (e:paul).

Would it be so terrible if someone posted a naked picture of themselves on here?

I'm not looking for a definitive answer; just something to chew on. I see no difference in a naked user pict and the pictures of where we view the (e:strip).

03/12/2005 18:31 #20926

Would it be so wrong
To post a series of naked pictures? Not erotic by any means but just a normal picture but without any clothes.

Think about it. We are all naked, we were born naked. I'm really naked under my clothing right this moment.

So why cringe and immediately think it would be dirty. I'm clean I showered twice today.


n a k e d

03/12/2005 18:29 #20925

This isn't really all about me.
Today I realized how easy it is to boss people around. I've been doing it my whole life. Almost everybody takes the shit I spew out as the god-given truth. AND NO ONE EVER ASKS ANY QUESTIONS. At work, with friends, with the exception of some of my family, no one really challenges my ideas.

Yesterday at work I was thinking about Thursday when the doctor I work for was seeing patients. Not one single patient questioned the doctor. No one asked if something else could be done, not even the homeopathic girl who told me initially that she didn't believe in prescription medication and wouldn't take it if prescribed. She walked out of there with four prescriptions.

There were a couple of other patients who were so intimidated by the office they would have believed me if I told them their ears were going to fall off.

Is it possible that we have gotten that lazy that we can't think for ourselves? Or is it just me and I've surrounded myself with wimps?

I think my friends are most certainly not wimps and that most of the patients I see at work are moderately intelligent people but as of late no one seems to want to buck the trend. What happened to the high road? I like the high road.

Change is great. Pushing limits is awesome. Asking questions lead to nothing except new knowledge. America's been settling into mediocre for a long time now and I'm getting scared.