ohkay- remember how i said that i've got a spot doing a feature for my school's news team this week? well, tomorrow i have to hand in my rough draft, about 2 minutes on any subject with any slant that i want, as long as it's fairly diplomatic.
i've decided to do legalizing marijuana.
so, i would be soso appreciative if people would leave comments giving a thought or two on what they think about the legalization of marijuana, or know of any particularly good sites on the subject.
thanks dears!
p.s. had a great time at (e:pmt)'s last nite! was happy to see (e:lilho) and (e:tk). (e:drchlorine) and (e:ladycroft) hung out and we ate pizza and drank and played video games... and i got a C in dancedance revolution! (casualties were minimal.)
Alison's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/02/2005 14:18 #20628
helphelphelpCategory: school.
09/30/2005 11:58 #20627
My JekyllCategory: criminal
uh ooooh, it's that time agan!
i have been very, very well behaved for one month. long enough, in my book. the time has come, yet again, to get absolutely trashed.
(e:lilho) talked about going out tonite- whether that materializes or not, i will be drunk and stupid tonite. i have a bottle of tequila and i'm not afraid to use it! this week has been LONG and the past couple have been confusing and full of me being sick and grumpy. NO MORE. tonite i will not think! i will drink, and then drink, and then drink some more!
and if you are a boy i suggest you be on yr guard, i'm a bit of a jumper, in the best of all possible ways.
maybe i should give a name to my jekyll half that comes out on these nites. any suggestions for my sot-loving, bowl-smoking, on-top-of-bar dancing alter ego will be much appreciated.
i am going to be a stupid moron tonite... i absolutely cannot wait.
in the meantime, let me divulge to you my brilliant plan!
okay. it is now lunchtime, after which will be 6th, 7th, and 8th period. now, 6th period i have astronomy, which isn't a big deal, just a boring ass class. whatever. 7th i have a history of china test which i am SURE to fail should i go. SO, i'm going to go into the infirmary at the end of lunch/beginning of astronomy, stay sick and study for my 8th period art history quiz, then emerge to take it having missed me 7th period history of china test!
i know i'm good.
now, complications: someone could realize my brilliant plan, spill, and come to get me in the infirmary. fuck. what will i do? deny, deny, deny. be sick and unable to go upstairs for aforementioned test.
also, my art history classroom is just beyond my chinese history classroom, which means i'll have to pass by to get to my 8th period class. fuck. how stealth can i be?
i'll guess we'll see.
ooh, seniors doing shots in the second floor bathroom? i must join in...
i love private school.
i have been very, very well behaved for one month. long enough, in my book. the time has come, yet again, to get absolutely trashed.
(e:lilho) talked about going out tonite- whether that materializes or not, i will be drunk and stupid tonite. i have a bottle of tequila and i'm not afraid to use it! this week has been LONG and the past couple have been confusing and full of me being sick and grumpy. NO MORE. tonite i will not think! i will drink, and then drink, and then drink some more!
and if you are a boy i suggest you be on yr guard, i'm a bit of a jumper, in the best of all possible ways.
maybe i should give a name to my jekyll half that comes out on these nites. any suggestions for my sot-loving, bowl-smoking, on-top-of-bar dancing alter ego will be much appreciated.
i am going to be a stupid moron tonite... i absolutely cannot wait.
in the meantime, let me divulge to you my brilliant plan!
okay. it is now lunchtime, after which will be 6th, 7th, and 8th period. now, 6th period i have astronomy, which isn't a big deal, just a boring ass class. whatever. 7th i have a history of china test which i am SURE to fail should i go. SO, i'm going to go into the infirmary at the end of lunch/beginning of astronomy, stay sick and study for my 8th period art history quiz, then emerge to take it having missed me 7th period history of china test!
i know i'm good.
now, complications: someone could realize my brilliant plan, spill, and come to get me in the infirmary. fuck. what will i do? deny, deny, deny. be sick and unable to go upstairs for aforementioned test.
also, my art history classroom is just beyond my chinese history classroom, which means i'll have to pass by to get to my 8th period class. fuck. how stealth can i be?
i'll guess we'll see.
ooh, seniors doing shots in the second floor bathroom? i must join in...
i love private school.
09/29/2005 10:38 #20626
take that, america's next top model.Category: fatfatfat
i have been such a freaking basket case as of late, so i apologize for all the bipolar entries. school has been nuts, and i'm stressing out about not being able to go out with (e:lilho) cause i have no money cause i can't find a job because i don't have a car because i don't have any money. it's a vicious circle. i'm going to try pet supplies plus this week, godhelpme.
i didn't go to school on friday or monday or yesterday, but instead stayed home and didn't shower and sang along to alexz johnson songs. she's freaking awesome.
and school's been so busy- i don't know what i was on when i signed up for AP art history. also, i have an astronomy test today which i am sure to fail. it's an easy class, but i think i must have a mental block for astronomy, because it all goes WHOOSH right over my head. however, i've been writing a lot a lot a lot the past couple weeks, in light of certain events/revelations, and everything seems to be coming out relatively decent. i am never happier than when i've been writing, no matter how sad the material is.
i think every girl has that one skinny skirt that they don't fit into and that you know you've lost weight when you can fit yr ass into it.
well, this past spring, i bought this crazy pink skirt from lord &taylor that was mad expensive and didn't fit. i know, i am stupid. i couldn't even get the zipper up.
well, last nite, i tried it on, and it fits. perfectly. twenty pounds down, twenty-five/thirty to go.
take that, america's next top model!
hopefully i'll be able to scrape together some cash some (e:lilho), (e:tina) and i can go out on friday.
also, i'll be online tonite during the oc, if anyone wants to enjoy the experience that IS orange county with me.
gah, time for photography. i should not have come to school sober today.
i didn't go to school on friday or monday or yesterday, but instead stayed home and didn't shower and sang along to alexz johnson songs. she's freaking awesome.
and school's been so busy- i don't know what i was on when i signed up for AP art history. also, i have an astronomy test today which i am sure to fail. it's an easy class, but i think i must have a mental block for astronomy, because it all goes WHOOSH right over my head. however, i've been writing a lot a lot a lot the past couple weeks, in light of certain events/revelations, and everything seems to be coming out relatively decent. i am never happier than when i've been writing, no matter how sad the material is.
i think every girl has that one skinny skirt that they don't fit into and that you know you've lost weight when you can fit yr ass into it.
well, this past spring, i bought this crazy pink skirt from lord &taylor that was mad expensive and didn't fit. i know, i am stupid. i couldn't even get the zipper up.
well, last nite, i tried it on, and it fits. perfectly. twenty pounds down, twenty-five/thirty to go.
take that, america's next top model!
hopefully i'll be able to scrape together some cash some (e:lilho), (e:tina) and i can go out on friday.
also, i'll be online tonite during the oc, if anyone wants to enjoy the experience that IS orange county with me.
gah, time for photography. i should not have come to school sober today.
09/27/2005 22:21 #20625
i got this off of el-jay.Category: beautiful people.
Leave your name and e-mail address (for privacy) and
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you what songs and movies remind me of you.
3. I'll pick a quote or lyrics that i think suits you.
4. I'll tell you a secret.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8. I'll describe, in detail, what I find sexy about you.
9. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal.
Alison's Note:
I usually hate these things, but i think this one could be neat within our little group of minions.
You do not HAVE to post in this yr own jrnl, but it'd be cute if you did.
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you what songs and movies remind me of you.
3. I'll pick a quote or lyrics that i think suits you.
4. I'll tell you a secret.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8. I'll describe, in detail, what I find sexy about you.
9. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal.
Alison's Note:
I usually hate these things, but i think this one could be neat within our little group of minions.
You do not HAVE to post in this yr own jrnl, but it'd be cute if you did.
09/23/2005 09:23 #20624
whorenet/jack-it dayCategory: school.
today is hornet/jacket day at my school. everyone in the school, teachers included, are either a green hornet or a yellow jacket. there is a sort of general personality to a hornet and another to a jacket, but people are often misplaced. i am a hornet. we are often quiet and bookish, while jackets are outgoing and crazy like foxes. once you are on a team you are on it for life. eighty year old women come back to my school and fight with people on the other team.
so today, hornet/jacket day, is when the freshmen and new students get initiated into their teams. everyone is dressed all crazy-like in their color and go around the school putting up signs that say things like 'jackets take too long to think of come backs' and 'adam brody is a hornet!' it's really cute.
we have twenty-minute classes and then the activities begin at noon, though i've never stayed for that silliness. my mom's picking me up at noon and we're going to the reservation to buy smokes.
i am feeling uncomfortable. i'm supposed to be set up with that jim guy tonite, and i am really not in the mood. oh well, maybe it well help with thangs... nah, maybe i'll call and cancel... again.
if anyone wants to do something tonite, coffee or whatevah, call me. hopefully i will have evaded the horrid world of dating curly blond-haired preppy boys and will be doing my homework like i should.
until then... let's make out.
<-- this is funny
so today, hornet/jacket day, is when the freshmen and new students get initiated into their teams. everyone is dressed all crazy-like in their color and go around the school putting up signs that say things like 'jackets take too long to think of come backs' and 'adam brody is a hornet!' it's really cute.
we have twenty-minute classes and then the activities begin at noon, though i've never stayed for that silliness. my mom's picking me up at noon and we're going to the reservation to buy smokes.
i am feeling uncomfortable. i'm supposed to be set up with that jim guy tonite, and i am really not in the mood. oh well, maybe it well help with thangs... nah, maybe i'll call and cancel... again.
if anyone wants to do something tonite, coffee or whatevah, call me. hopefully i will have evaded the horrid world of dating curly blond-haired preppy boys and will be doing my homework like i should.
until then... let's make out.

That sounds like an Alice Cooper song. I'm sure there is someplace near where you live hiring. Even if you got a job you couldn't afforid car payments, Gas and insurance. The OC and Reunion are awesome.