Alison's Journal
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10/21/2004 23:50 #20574
sundaymorning.10/21/2004 23:01 #20573
obviously i'm a glutton for punishment.right. so. something is quite obviously wrong with me.
i was having a smoke before work today after sirensonggirls and feeling introspective after a really heinous couple of months and a needleinthehay routine gone ohsohorriblywrong, and, well, there are a few things that can possibly explain my motives behind doing what i did:
a) there's something in the water.
b) genetics?
c) someone slipped me something.
d) i ate something funky for lunch.
e) temporary insanity.
whatever it was, i, for some reason, found my hand reaching down into my purse, pulling out my cell phone, and calling...
::ring, ring::
"Victoria Chatfield."
if that isn't freakingcrazy enough, it got worse.
i invited her to have lunch at globe with me after my sunday shift.
stay tuned for further analysis of an obviously disturbed little girl's actions.
i was having a smoke before work today after sirensonggirls and feeling introspective after a really heinous couple of months and a needleinthehay routine gone ohsohorriblywrong, and, well, there are a few things that can possibly explain my motives behind doing what i did:
a) there's something in the water.
b) genetics?
c) someone slipped me something.
d) i ate something funky for lunch.
e) temporary insanity.
whatever it was, i, for some reason, found my hand reaching down into my purse, pulling out my cell phone, and calling...
::ring, ring::
"Victoria Chatfield."
if that isn't freakingcrazy enough, it got worse.
i invited her to have lunch at globe with me after my sunday shift.
stay tuned for further analysis of an obviously disturbed little girl's actions.
10/19/2004 19:32 #20572
whops.ew. that smiley two entries ago was SO not supposed to be there.
my love is like...WHOA.
my love is like...WHOA.
10/19/2004 19:31 #20571
ooh!ooh! i almost forgot-- my beloved HOWL was retired today. a new one was purchased, courtesy of the fine folks at talking leaves. ::le sigh:: so endeth, so beginn... ith.
10/19/2004 19:29 #20570
the wizard and ijesus. are there any other WICKED! freaks out there? my showtunes choir at Sem is singing selections from it and it's quite ill. whatever that means.
am seriousuly wanting to buy this 77 mustard mustang from one of my teachers for 2 grand, but of course i have to make the money and buy insurance (i'm 16, so you know it'll be like, yea high ::spreads arms::) and registration and whatnot. grrr. SHAKE FIST!
there has been much staging of interventions lately. julia and i want to patch things up with victoria (cough whore cough), and if laur doesn't pop that godawful zit on her forehead angel and i are going to make our second attempt at holding her to the ground and going in manually. it should be ugly.
who wants to give me money?
furthermore, who knows where i can get cheap singing lessons on elmwood? (preferably near/around buff sem and the globe market).
am seriousuly wanting to buy this 77 mustard mustang from one of my teachers for 2 grand, but of course i have to make the money and buy insurance (i'm 16, so you know it'll be like, yea high ::spreads arms::) and registration and whatnot. grrr. SHAKE FIST!
there has been much staging of interventions lately. julia and i want to patch things up with victoria (cough whore cough), and if laur doesn't pop that godawful zit on her forehead angel and i are going to make our second attempt at holding her to the ground and going in manually. it should be ugly.
who wants to give me money?
furthermore, who knows where i can get cheap singing lessons on elmwood? (preferably near/around buff sem and the globe market).