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09/22/2004 19:21 #20563

lordy. crazy ass day.
lauren's birthday, got osme crappy grades back, need to catch up on history, cannot write to save my ass.

will be at globe 3-8:30 tomorrow doing hw with angel and laur and julie and the working. going to see either wimbledon or garden state, then pulling a girls nite sleepover thing and getting angel hazed friday morning.

new screename: linernoteluv (use it!)

blargh. homework, and parents' divorce, and writer's block-- oh my!

09/16/2004 01:00 #20562

buffalo seminary=auschwitz
It simply was and there was no explaining it. He had tried before on several occasions to make this clear to her, but she simply couldn’t seem to grasp it. Still, he felt it his duty to try.

“Why is the sky blue?� he asked her.

“Because of the thickness and degree of curvature of the atmosphere and the refraction of the light hitting it,� she replied archly.

09/13/2004 00:27 #20561

oh god, ohgodohgodohgod- i think i'm maturing or something.

09/13/2004 00:19 #20560

i'll take it!
oh my god. yes, yes- YES!
no, that was not an orgasm, nor an herbal essences commercial- that was me, Alison, and the feeling of validation!
oh yes.
i swear to fucking god, if i can get just one of these moments thrown into the mix once every, say, year or so, i'll be set. ::le sigh::
i don't want to be one of those people who blames all their fucked-up-edness on their parents, but i'm really sstarting to think that the reason i'm so hyper-sensitive and emotional and conscious of myself is because of my dad, and how my mom and i have always lived on our toes- never knowing when something small we did would make him blow and i'd spend the nite crying in my room, feeling like shit. wow. i am SO ready for this counselor. jesus.
mr. malcolm- fuck you. fuckyoufuckyoufuckyou. i KNOW i may not have the credibility of our society that kristin has but motherfuck THAT!
she's great, she's really is- and i know that she's got a ton of talent. but, i mean, why can't someone else get a chance? i'm not worse, just different. god, i hope it's only that i'm different.
if i suck at this than everything's down the drain.

letter from ms. coriale to me.
oh god-- i will TAKE IT!

I took a look at "my visible heart" and here are some of my thoughts:
First, you did a good job at splitting the poem into parts, although your title really prepares us for the conclusion, meaning a visible, exposed heart, sure of the truth of a feeling that came from her insides.
Then, your introduction prepares the reader for the lack of security or optimism that the writer is feeling, "highway warnings, a lamp post waiting to fall, seemingly done, or had they not yet begun.."  There is a heightened intensity from the beginning and I wonder if this is a surrealistic view of a vision that creates futuristic ties: "pretty and captivating and seemingly done or had they not yet begun." This then creates a time change that leaves the reader unconvinced of your experience, yet you come back strong in the end.
Then, I wonder about the role of society that perhaps interrupts, yet in this case the vision of infantile innocence escapes the frame of the "transparent glass." 
The ending is my favorite where you are the "cosmonaut, warrior, girl" (separated creatively since warrior girl would drown out the effect of your womanhood..The poet is a warrior, a woman and her strength and faithfulness to this love is like a roller coaster of disbelief, release and realism..But, in the end, she reveals her loyalty and perhaps her visible love "with your insides" is to love internally, despite all of the outside pressure, the "highway warnings, lamp posts waiting to fall and the red that warns us to turn back and flee from what we have learned to be ominous..
Alison, you are a talented young poet and when I read your work, I ask myself about your experience, your impetus to is it that you have gained this vision at such a young age..I have heart a lot of poets, academics and others who are trying to get exposed and they do not approach your force..You are also using division well as well as other poetic devices..I tried to look at your poem, draw some conclusions and give you some feedback..I hope this helps and again, thanks for sharing this with me..I really enjoyed it. 

09/08/2004 23:08 #20559

make tea not war
I know this is lame, but I think 'Iris' is really underrated and gets a lot of trashin just cause it was in City of Angels (one of my all-time guilty pleasures, to be sure.).

Dear Ex-Boyfriend,
You suck. And by suck, I mean a lot. Like a lot a lot. Like, how much weight that Jared guy lost from eating Subway kind of a lot.
Best Wishes,

Dear Friends,
Stop getting boyfriends, I'm jealous.

Sorry, I'm feeling very Alanis Morrisette tonite.