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11/14/2014 11:36 #59579

Doing Push Ups
Category: exercise

The phone helps me keep in shape with all these remember to exercise apps. I like the push ups one. It promises I will be able to do 100 continuously at some point. Maybe I wont have such skinny arms when I am done, If I can stick with it.

The app us called push ups on android.

Here is the before shot.

tinypliny - 11/15/14 22:22
wow - you did 65 push ups? Impressive!

11/14/2014 11:31 #59578

The Flood Lights On Trinity Towers
Category: linwood

it's gone full prison camp style. (e:Joe) researched and found it was illegal to do this. He is following up with the business manager. It angers the crap out of me.

vincent - 11/16/14 00:35
It must be some kind of trend?

11/12/2014 01:24 #59571

Demon In the Rear View
Category: cars

...trying to stop me from purchasing a round watch. I need a round watch.

paul - 11/14/14 11:33
She is forgetting about the Casio calculator watch. I was a tiny kid and I remember throwing a tantrum because I wanted one so bad when we were in Toronto at the Eaton center.
libertad - 11/12/14 12:54
Your mom was just telling me how much you used to be opposed to watches when you were a kid, you refused to wear one.
libertad - 11/12/14 12:53
So evil!

11/12/2014 01:21 #59569

Zombie Fingers
Category: body
enough said




11/12/2014 01:13 #59567

Terry's New Office.
Category: buildings
It's really coming along. I am so jealous. I want an office with a fire place.






tinypliny - 11/12/14 23:44
Seriously, that is such a gorgeous office!