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08/15/2014 03:58 #59298

I Need Some Paid Time Off
Category: docugen
I am so sick of this 43 North project. This is the 4th night I stayed up till 4am working on it. Its looks really good now. I jazzed up the animations and interactive displays.


08/10/2014 20:24 #59285

The Tiniest Frog
Category: nature

Sometimes frogs are real tiny. I'm pretty sure we saw ground spiders hunting these ones with webs in the grass.

joe - 08/12/14 00:04
(e:sina) Apparently American toads undergo metamorphose much earlier than other toads and grow mostly on the land, instead of as tadpoles. They're also easily eaten by garter snakes and other small animals :(
matthew - 08/11/14 22:51
Awe, super cute. It's a toad, not a frog.
sina - 08/11/14 17:57
It is reaaaalllly tiny
Is baby or is mature size??!!

08/10/2014 10:01 #59284

Cappucino Flavored Lays
Category: food

Why? and are they caffeinated?

metalpeter - 08/13/14 17:29
I have tried a bunch of the flavors but none of the new ones I do not like coffee but if these taste like the flavor that they add to coffee to make it could be pretty good
mike - 08/12/14 17:44
I tried them at work....disgusting!

08/10/2014 10:00 #59283

The Trashheap Has Spoken
Category: fire

Why do people think its reasonable to load up a dead fire with garbage. You can tell the stuff was added after it went out. For example, the not even sort of melted water jug seal laying on top of the grill.

tinypliny - 08/15/14 03:41
hehe, I loved Fraggle Rock. :)

08/10/2014 09:58 #59282

Looks like Mickey Partied Too Hard
Category: disney
I never liked him anyways.


tinypliny - 08/15/14 03:41