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02/20/2014 14:08 #58709

Sick and Tired
I'm so tired of being sick and tired!!! Having two shoulder surgeries in 7 months and it being winter is having a major pull on my psyche right now!! If it's not bad enough the financial strain this whole thing has put on Heidi and I, the pain and boredom is killing me. When I had my first surgery it was at least summer so I could go and walk around, I would walk for hours and even went camping which helped with my therapy (more than I imagined) as well as allowing my body the constant exercise it's use to, helped keep my spirits up even though my whole world was falling apart at the same time. But, with this cold weather I can't go anywhere!! I can't go for a walk without falling or slipping (which isn't an option) I can't tie my own shoes, I can just now zip up my own jacket. I spend all day in the house in a recliner staring at the same 4 walls all day, occasionally I get out in the evening with (e:Heidi) and friends, but it's no where as active as my body needs!!

My body and mind are completely freaking out!! My body spas' all the time from lack of exercise, I stretch, do lunges and squats but there's not much else I can do INSIDE!! When I had my left shoulder done I had my dominant arm to do stuff, but with my right one down and the left not fully healed (no strength) I can't carry anything, it takes me 40 min. to get dressed, I can't shower fully without help, and feeding myself has turned into tv dinners (which my body is also not enjoying, looking for nourishment) With me be an avid athlete my whole life and to be tied down for almost 7 months and especially this past 1.5 months because of STUPID WINTER my mental state is constant fight!! I am not a person that gets depressed, I always find the bright side to everything and just push through the bad shit with a smile; because everyday is a gift and I plan to live it up. Right now I cry at least once a day and battle with not getting depressed, I find that I see and hear things said to me out of context, like the whole world is somehow against me!!

I have the greatest love I have ever had in my life with (e:Heidi); what a true gift and blessing she is in my life. I have the GREATEST group of friends that i truly love and feel abundantly blessed to have in my life, I enjoy seeing them even if all we're doing is hanging out. During this whole process I have never not felt the full love and support of my friends and especially my beautiful fiancee!! I have no reason to be depressed!! I got my ged and will be going to college, getting a bachelors degree so that I can do what I have always wanted to do "Help People" all of which I couldn't have done without (e:heidi) telling me I can do this and then showing me that I was able to do it....skies the limit!! Our life is going to be awesome and I just can't wait to get it going the way we want it to!!

I'm hoping by getting this off my chest this will help me to shake out my sillies!!! I want my physical life back, I want to get started on my new education and job, I want to start living the incredibly beautiful life that (e:heidi) want to and will have once things get back to normal. I know it's only a couple of more months, just sometimes it seems like the calendar year keeps going backwards instead of forward!!

I would like to personally thank all of my close, and dear friends for always being right there, being supportive and loving!!! I love y'all so very much and CAN'T wait for summer to come so we can go camping, swimming, hiking and playing sports!!

To my beautiful (e:Heidi); I know this has been just awful tough for you, from work, to financial crap, to taking care of me and just the household stuff it takes to run our home!! I am so unbelievably grateful for you, your support, your time and especially your love!!! I can't wait to be your butch/house boy again!! I can't wait to be able to hold you, sleep in bed, have those beautiful quiet moments in each others arms, fireflies, blankets of stars in the sky, hiking, camping, swimming and butterflies. It is only a couple of months before our life will be considerably less stressful and we can enjoy our life and building our future the way we want it to be!! I love you so very much and thank you for loving me the way you do!! <3 <3
metalpeter - 02/22/14 14:16
Just wanted to add 2 things... For those that might think why can't she go out... I've never had to go through this and it must be very rough I can't imagine .... But shoulder and neck are bad.. I've slid on Ice and what happens is as your feet slide the rest of your body doesn't and weight goes right through the shoulders ouch to say the least ... To to mention what could happen on trip or fall.....

I'm sure it is very tough and you will make it through it at the end... That doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt like hell during it... Sure the experts on this kind of thing would say it will make you stronger (Or make you both better) .... The nice weather may be here soon at some point ..... The Good times will come .....
tinypliny - 02/20/14 21:47
You can definitely do this, (e:Dianne). Don't let Buffalo's winter get to you. Roll with it and you will find that once you have found the rolling rhythm, it will bother you lesser and lesser till it doesn't at all. Good luck!! Sending you a zillion vibes!

12/25/2013 12:19 #58492

Christmas Morning
Category: holiday
My baby spoiled me for Christmas! I had to take pics of each gift because (e:) Heidi made each package so beautiful, it was hard to open them, so much time and love put into each wrapped gift! I have a whole new outfit, including socks, wallet, the coolest puzzle ever, a real buffalo hat that had changeable horns (I love it) and a couple gifts that are special to us! My mom sent (e:) Heidi a hat and scarf that she knitted, me a collectible pocket watch (I love collecting different watches) and sent us a vegetarian cook book that was my aunt Laura's :-), So special! I got her a glass turtle, a mug (she's been wanting a real nice/good mug) and a bracelet that had eternity loops around it!
Christmas is my favorite holiday and not so much one for (e:) Heidi, but she has made this a perfect Christmas for me! The best Christmas gift I could possibly ask for is to have (e:) Heidi in my life, to be building a life together! You are so precious to me and truly a gift!! I love you so much and thank you for making our first Christmas together a perfect one!














Dianne - 12/26/13 09:32
Yes that's the glass turtle I picked up in Corning for her.
paul - 12/26/13 00:29
What is that green thing (e:Heidi) is holding, is it the glass turtle?

12/24/2013 10:31 #58488

Eve of Christmas Eve
Category: holiday fun

Last night (e:) Heidi, (e:) terry, (e:) Joe and (e:) Alexandra went to a Christmas party at Natasha and John's house. We had a great time, are great food, cookies, lots of alcohol and mad gab for the game! We then hit Nietzsche's for a final drink before calling it a night. Pics taken at Nietszche's by two random guys who in turn wanted a pic of each other! What a great way to bring in Christmas eve with friends! I love you guys for real, my buffalo family!!




tinypliny - 12/26/13 15:37
Whoa. John of John and Mary? With his own two wikipedia pages?! :::link::: :::link:::

LOL. Random indeed.
Dianne - 12/26/13 11:03
Wow! As a matter of fact it is!
ExBuffalonian - 12/26/13 11:00
Is that John Lombardo in the last photo? Pretty cool.

12/15/2013 15:00 #58451

Category: winter
My beautiful new winter boots! I have been having a HELL of a time getting warm and this year (e:) Heidi got me all squared away with a new warm jacket, gloves and now my new boots! I am finally warm!! Thank you my beautiful fiancee!!




11/06/2013 07:32 #58253

Category: party

Didn't take many pics of the party, but here are the ones I did get.

(e:) Heidi and I were Blair and Jo from "The Facts of Life" Finally the get together!!

Love Miley Cyrus and Tanya's makeup was awesome although her eyes were creepy but cool, it was hard to look at her and hold a conversation lol








sina - 11/08/13 00:31
happy moments :)
tinypliny - 11/06/13 20:18
Wow, those eyes. Scary indeed.

And Terry. LOL :)