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07/28/2013 22:47 #57944

I was in a play and it was awesome.
Category: infringement
So... Earlier today, was the second run of Shalter, an LGBTQ-themed play written and directed (and starred in) by Amy Upham. I started out yesterday very nervous and unsure how things would turn out. my adrenaline was high, and my joints trembled slightly. But the lights came on, and we walked out there on that stage and faced a crowd of people who were eager to be shown something special. The play dealt with a lot of important things facing our community; some things we all know about, and some things that have only recently began to see the light of conversation, addiction and abuse being the two biggies. And, of course it was filled with warm fuzzy moments of closeness: new love, deep friendship, and funny encounters. It was a full buffet of emotions and experiences!

I acted for the first time, along with some other theatre-virgins, and the experience was truly enriching, empowering, and inspiring. We worried a bit, but in the end we all pulled through like stars!

I can definitely say that I would act again. It was an exhilarating experience!
one thing i didn't like about it was having to shave. Bearded-hairy-legged characters from now on, only. haha! I felt naked, (well, i was half naked for a scene.) and unnatural.

It was great to have my family come out and support me. Some of my friends even came! What was also great was that plent of people we all knew and didn't know at all came, so it was a nice mixed crowd out there, filled with plenty of compliments for us after both shows.

It's been a a few hours since it ended, but it was good to just go home and rest afterwards. I was thoroughly drained from the experience.
paul - 07/29/13 20:14
Its awesome when you find something you really live doing. Maybe you could be a foreign language actor too and tie your interests together. I feel so bad I didn't make it.
metalpeter - 07/28/13 23:13
glad it went well....

07/24/2013 12:32 #57932

sicky sick
Category: health
I'm still super sick... :( it feels like my tonsil is going to burst. Now, i'm just waiting for prescriptions to be ready. antibiotic, ibuprofen, and a steroid... i hope i'm feeling up to rehearsal today.

I'm not renewing my lease. so.... the hunt for an apartment is on, now.
Robert - 07/25/13 03:46
august 31st
paul - 07/24/13 20:06
When is the lease up?

07/16/2013 18:12 #57910

Category: health
I'm really sick... light fever, swollen tonsils, head ache, body ache...

if it's really bad tomorrow, i'll go to the doctors. i have been falling asleep basically wherever i happen to be sitting today.
paul - 07/16/13 19:46
You even look cute sick. Get well soon.

07/15/2013 10:00 #57902

pusheen stickers
Category: media

so... i don't know how many of you know of pusheen the cat, ( ) but it has stickers on Facebook. for a while now actually. i cannot express how much i love them. i can basically have a conversation over chat using solely pusheen stickers.

that is all.

07/07/2013 18:04 #57883

Paul & Terry's Wedding
Category: paul and terry wedding
What a great night. I wish i got more pics of the ceremony but my phone was acting totally crazy, so i had to take the battery out until it was over...

I definitely got teary eyed during the stories and vows... it was really very sweet and a beautiful ceremony. Brian did a great job leading everything.

we all danced our butts off and it seems a good time was had by all. This was definitely the best wedding i've ever been to.

congratualations, (e:paul) and (e:terry). It was a night to remember and a union to be admired.



























these photos are from Rita.



Robert - 11/25/13 09:42
honestly, (e:paul) it's the only good shot, hahaha! when we were rushing up to the mound, i saw this view and HAD to stop to take a pic.
paul - 11/24/13 15:31
These are the first photos that come up when your search Paul and Terrys wedding. I love the one of the mound.
metalpeter - 07/08/13 04:59
Also nice video and more photos from when I first saw post .....
metalpeter - 07/07/13 19:55
Very Nice Photos thanks for sharing.......