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02/15/2012 11:30 #56064

So little time. So much to read
Category: the odes
I have to read around 500+ PDFs in the next few weeks or so. I absolutely hate printing on paper and accumulating physical stacks. It inevitably ends in lost notes, lost pages, and lost time.

Reading on the computer screen is nice and all, but I want to be able to interact with the pages like I would with paper. I have a Nexus S and a Nexus One, but the screens are too tiny. I am thinking 10" reading area or more would be a far better idea.

Guess it's time for a tablet. A big generously-size Android tablet. (Apple is out of question). Strongly leaning towards the Le Pan II.

02/10/2012 17:01 #56044

For Matthew.
Category: the odes

From Other sizes:

02/10/2012 12:05 #56042

sudo updatedb
Category: linux
followed by
locate x
(e:Paul)'s magic trick is incredibly useful. I just have to burn this into my brain as well. find is indeed incredibly and painfully slow and completely non-specific. Got any other tricks that will transform my i-life? :)
paul - 02/10/12 22:11
That is one of the better ones.

02/10/2012 11:29 #56041

So this is how it happened
Category: the odes
I wouldn't put it past him.

02/05/2012 07:16 #56027

Counting Crows
Category: the odes
Unlike the band, the million-strong murder of crows that suddenly decided to alight on the tree outside my window are producing a racket that can only grace the soundtrack to the remake of the ghoulies.
