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05/25/2009 16:57 #48752


tinypliny - 05/25/09 19:25
Did you make them?

05/23/2009 13:48 #48729

Going to Market
Today was such a beautiful day to ride my bike to get some groceries. I didn't really need much It was mostly an excuse to try to fight off this cold. First stop was price rite. I do like the proximity of this store, But the size of much of what they sell is frigging enormous. I really don't have much of a need for 10lbs of anything. I went there to get some flat parsley(which they didn't have) and Goya olive oil, which I love. This stuff is so delicious and unbelievably cheap. Much better than Wegmans brand crappola.

Next stop was this place:


I didn't even know this existed till last week. Its located on Connecticut st. near Niagara. Most Asian markets have a certain stink to them. I was almost knocked over by the unmistakable smell of rotten produce marinating in urine. I still looked around out of curiosity. The produce mostly looked bad. I would never buy the stuff that looked decent for the simple fact that its on the floor and next to the shit that is half rotten. They meat section was something to behold. There was a box of clams, not in the cooler, dying in the warm air, also on the floor. They had five gallon buckets of chicken feet, liver of unknown origin, and some unidentifiable meat substance swimming about in a mysterious golden liquid. They did have a large selection of fish sauce, but I think I will avoid buying anything there...ever.

Last stop was the farmers market. I love farmers markets, but the one on Bidwell needs more vendors selling produce. Actually I think it just needs more vendors in general. There is some good stuff there though. I got a huge bundle of chives that looked really fresh, and some of this stuff:


I read an article about this company, White Cow Dairy, in the latest issue of Edible Buffalo. $5.75 is more than I usually spend on yogurt/pudding but I am really curious about how this stuff tastes. I really do love buying local products. Especially ones that are good. So hopefully this stuff pans out to be awesome. They also had a couple of other things there, a mustard horseradish sauce, and a mocha creme full fat yogurt. They were both $4.00 each. So I'll come back for those next week possibly.

BTW: Does anyone know where I can get some ramps in Buffalo? They are in season but nobody seems to have them.
james - 05/25/09 21:00
A friend of mine who is from Vietnam swears by that place.

While my policy on East Asian restaurants is the filthier the tastier it is, it does not apply to grocery stores.
tinypliny - 05/25/09 19:29
Oh and they are the nearest grocers who carry Chinese Squash. I think that alone (and the ginger) makes my trips to Phu Thai completely worthwhile. :)
tinypliny - 05/25/09 19:27
You must have caught them on the wrong day. They are not this bad actually. Their ginger is always fresh, tender and quite amazing. I think their fresh arrivals day is Tuesday. By the weekend, everything sort of goes downhill.
theecarey - 05/23/09 17:39
I've been to several Asian markets- many times over, but only once to Phu Thai back in '05. It was unbelievably disgusting. From your post, I sense nothing has changed.

Good that you wrapped up your excursion with a trip to a fresh Farmers Market.
janelle - 05/23/09 15:57
I've seen Phu Thai. Now I can cross that off my list of places to visit. Lol.

05/06/2009 21:03 #48607

Three months off
Well my blog has finally hit the inactive status, so I figured it was time I graced these parts and post my latest dinner project. I finished my finals on Friday and finally have some time to goof off. It had been so long since I had cooked that on Monday I made a terrible stir fry with tofu, red pepper, and baby bok choy. I will spare you the pictures. But tonight I think I redeemed myself. I made "Crispy" Duck with Chardonnay Braised Asian Pears, Roasted Artichokes and Hoisin Butter.

It has been ages since I cooked something worth writing about. It was nice to be able to enjoy a day off finally. So I know the picture is full of brown but my plating skills and photography skills are equally in need of improvement.

So anyway for the "recipe". I marinated the duck in soy sauce, mirin, sesame oil, ginger, garlic and Chinese five spice. I pan seared it and finished it in the oven. Its a major pain in the ass to make duck crispy. I took the advice of a few chefs and scored the skin before I seared it. It was crispier this time, but it still isn't exactly how I want it. For the pears I just diced and sauteed them. Then deglazed the pan with a generous amount of chardonnay. The artichoke idea I stole from the web. I just simply cut the top and sprinkled a little bit of lemon juice, olive oil and shoved a garlic clove in the center and roasted it for an hour and a half. I made the hoisin butter by taking some of the rendered duck fat and sauteed some shallots and deglazed them with white wine and chicken stock and reduced it till it could "coat the back of a spoon". I strained it and whisked in butter under low heat. Here are the results.

jason - 05/07/09 15:15
I've been wondering where you were. Good form on the cooking!
janelle - 05/07/09 07:26
Delicious. I love duck.

02/18/2009 15:57 #47800

Buffalo needs more cameras!!!
Today has been such a hassle. I went to move my car last night and noticed somebody punched a hole in my window. They didn't take my stereo or CD's so I figured it was just some moron vandalizing things randomly. So I called the Buffalo Police, but they told me I had to call 911? Does this really qualify as an emergency? Anyway I didn't think anything was stolen till I talked to the glass guy this morning. He told me to make sure my inspection sticker wasn't taken. Well I went and checked and sure enough the inspection sticker was half ripped off. So now I get the pleasure of going to several different places to get this remedied. After talking to all of these people today(cops, mechanics, and DMV workers) this is really common these days. I guess someone was really desperate to get a sticker. I mean it took me three tries to get the car inspected last month and cost several hundred dollars. I really wish NY State would make the inspection stickers crumble to unusable bits when they are removed and it may end up stopping this crap. Well either that or get rid of the new emissions requirements on vehicles. But I'm sure neither of these things will do much.

ps I was kidding about more cameras
jenks - 03/03/09 16:50
p.s. good to see you, whenever that was... a couple weeks ago.
jenks - 03/03/09 16:49
ugh, that sucks.

A whole bunch of stuff was stolen at work a couple years ago- the day before the october storm, actually- including my whole bag including books, ipod, fancy headphones, etc... one guy's wallet... well he did a bunch of legwork... called his credit card company, who told him his card had just been used at the delta sonic up the street... he called delta sonic, had them pull their security tapes... they had the guy on video using the card... he went to the police, said 'hey, here's the asshole on video, I did your job for you, now just arrest him and get my stuff back'.... and then it started snowing and the police did NOTHING. No one ever heard a single word, or got anything back. Even with video footage of the crime in action.

So... yeah... cameras... not so helpful.
Every time I see those 'pay police like your life depends on it' stickers I want to scream. How about 'pay police a reasonable wage that their HS education deserves when/if they actually do something useful'
janelle - 02/19/09 08:06
That makes me nervous. I live like two blocks away from you and there are people in our neighborhood breaking into cars for inspection stickers???!!!
tinypliny - 02/18/09 23:17
What a waste - I guess they didn't even get the whole sticker!

And I am with the more cameras idea. (I am not kidding at all.)
paul - 02/18/09 21:08
Damn, that really sucks.
metalpeter - 02/18/09 19:25
I figured you where joking about the camera. But that being said what if you had a hi tech hidden camera in the dome light and it covered the entire car, you push a button when you leave and it records everything on a disc. You come back to the car nothing happens you push a button that only works when the car and radio is on and it deletes the DVD. If anyone messes with the car you take the DVD to the police and say look at this and they see who it is and go arrest the ass hole. Cameras don't stop crime really but they can be used to help catch people. I can't imagine what you had to go through to get a new one.
james - 02/18/09 16:49
What a pain in the ass. So sorry you had to endure it.

01/12/2009 18:36 #47382

I guess this makes me a groupie?

leetee - 01/13/09 00:54
My eyes are so green right now....

Like, OMG, is he, like, just as cute in, like, person as he is on the tv?!?!
jason - 01/12/09 20:42
Did you roll a J w/ him?
metalpeter - 01/12/09 19:16
Um, NO. This makes you a fan. If you where a groupie you would invite him to where you work and when it is closed and make him special food and then bring it out and eat with him at the table. Maybe you would video tape it and there might be candles and as he eats his steak you might give him a handy or a BJ, HA kidding about those, but what ever the food version of that is. Maybe a special desert that isn't on the Menu.
mrmike - 01/12/09 19:00
Hey JB, I've been to enough photo ops to see all the shenanigans. I can appreciate your end result.
james - 01/12/09 18:50
ha! There is a story behind this for sure.
jenks - 01/12/09 18:48
I think I saw that pic on facebook today. didn't realize it was you!
jbeatty - 01/12/09 18:45
I admit it was not an easy thing to arrange. Maybe that does make me a stalker.
mrmike - 01/12/09 18:43
or a stalker, only time will tell
tinypliny - 01/12/09 18:42
Hehehe.. he looks awfully like one of my professors back home.
tinypliny - 01/12/09 18:41
Is that the bloke that everyone here has been drooling about?